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Ruud Silvrants


TYPO3 Wizard. Also magical with Web applications. Always want to help. Has finally domesticated Dachshund Meggie.

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Quickly put a copy of your live environment for test or local development environment? This can easily be done with the Backup Restore Tool.

If you work om TYPO3, it is clearly recognizable. You want a copy of the live environment with the associated pids, CE so you can test well. To achieve this, the following steps must be taken:

- Search for database data from the live environment
- Create a database backup with mysqldump
- Compress files (with preferred time)
- Download compressed file via ssh / ftp
- Unpack files
- Delete old files and put new files in the right place
- Search for database data from local environment
- Import the database
- Clean up database sensitive data (preferably already when creating the dump)

Extension makes it easy

Beech simplifies this process by means of the TYPO3 extension `backup_restore`. The extension can easily create a backup, show overview and drop.

Based on the database data and file storages in TYPO3, the command `./typo3cms backup: restore` makes a backup of:

All files from the file_storage (s) with the exception of processed files are compressed.
A database dump is created without the cache / unnecessary tables
The database dump and file storages are compressed to a file in the backups folder. (Outside the webroot, this must be checked!)
The `./typo3cms backup: list` command shows a list of possible backups that can be restored. In this overview you can see when it has been created.

How to reset?

Restore is done via the command `./typo3cms backup: restore` which shows a list of backups with no extra parameters at which a backup can be chosen. (This works via the up / down keys, or typing in which autocomplete can be used by means of tab).

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